The chaotic early Solar System: when giant planets went berserk

Readers of Earth-logs will be familiar with the way gravitational interactions between the planets that orbit the Sun control cyclical shifts in each other’s rotational and orbital behaviours. The best known are the three Milankovich cycles. The eccentricity of Earth’s orbit (deviation from a circular path) changes according to the varying gravitational pulls exerted by Jupiter and Saturn as they orbit the Sun, and is dominated by 100 ka cyclicity. The tilt (obliquity) of Earth’s rotational axis changes in 41 ka cycles.  The direction in which the axis points relative to the Sun varies with its precession which has a period of about 25.7 ka. Together they control the amount of solar heating that our planet receives, best shown by the current variation in glacial-interglacial cycles. But the phenomena predicted by Milutin Milankovich show up in palaeoclimatic changes back to at least the late Precambrian. Climate changes resulting from the gravitational effect of Mars have recently been detected with a 2.4 Ma period. But that steady carousel of planetary motions hasn’t always characterised the Solar System.

Cartoon showing planet formation in the early, unstable Solar System (Credit: Mark Garlick, Science Source)

Observations of other stars that reveal the presence of their own planetary systems show that some have giant planets in much closer orbits than those that circuit the Sun. Others occur at distances that extend as far as the orbital diameters as those in the Solar System: so perhaps giant planets can migrate. A possibility began to be discussed in the late 1990s that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – and a fifth now-vanished giant planet – were at the outset in neat, evenly-spaced and much closer orbits. But they were forced outwards later into more eccentric and generally askew orbits. In 2005, planetary astronomers gathered in Nice, France to ponder the possibilities. The outcome was the ‘Nice’ Model that suggested that a gravitational instability had once emerged, which set the Solar System in chaotic motion. It may even have flung gigantic masses, such as postulated fifth giant planets, into interstellar space. This upheaval may have been due to a rapid change in the overall distribution of mass in the Solar System, possibly involving gas and dust that had not yet accreted into other planets or their planetesimal precursors. Chaotic antics of monstrous bodies and shifts in their combined gravitational fields can barely be imagined: it was nothing like the staid and ever present Milankovich Effect. Geologists have reconstructed one gargantuan event that reset the chemistry of the early Earth when it collided with another body about the size of Mars. That  also flung off matter that became the Moon. Evidence from lunar and terrestrial zircon grains (see: Moon-forming impact dated; March 2009) suggests the collision occurred before 4.46 billion years ago (when parts of both eventually crystallised from magma oceans), Solar System having begun to form at around 4.57 Ga. Could formation of the Moon record the early planetary chaos? Others have suggested instead that the great upheaval was the Late Heavy Bombardment, between 4.1 and 3.8 Ga, which heavily cratered much of the lunar surface and those of moons orbiting the giant planets.

Another approach has been followed by Chrysa Avdellidou of the University of Leicester, UK and colleagues from France and the US (Avdellidoli, C. et al. 2024. Dating the Solar System’s giant planet orbital instability using enstatite meteorites. Science, v. 384, p. 348-352; DOI: 10.1126/science.adg8092) after discovery of a new family of asteroids: named after its largest member Athor. The composition of their surfaces, from telescopic spectra, closely matches that of EL enstatite chondrite meteorites. Dating these meteorites should show when their parent asteroids – presumably the Athors – formed.  Using argon and xenon isotopes Mario Trieloff  and colleagues from the University of Heidelberg, Germany in showed that the materials in EL enstatite chondrite meteorites were assembled a mere 2 Ma after the Solar System formed (Trieloff, M. et al. 2022. Evolution of the parent body of enstatite (EL) chondrites. Icarus, v. 373, article 114762; DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114762). Be that as it may, that the evidence came from small meteorites shows that the parent body, estimated as having had a 240 to 420 km diameter, was shattered at some later time. Moreover, at that very early date such bodies would have contained a ready heat source in the form of a short-lived isotope of aluminium (26Al) which decays to stable 26Mg, with a half-life of 0.717 Ma. 26Al is thought to have been produced by a supernova that has been suggested to have triggered the formation of the Solar System. Excessive 26Mg is found in many meteorites, evidence for metamorphism formed by such radiogenic heat. They also record the history of their cooling.

Avdellidoli et al. estimate that the 240 to 420 km Athor parental planetesimal had slowly cooled for at least 60 Ma after it formed. When it was shattered, the small fragments would have cooled instantaneously to the temperature of interplanetary space – a few degrees above absolute zero (-273.2 °C). From this they deduce the age of the chaotic restructuring of the early Solar System to be at least 60 Ma after its formation. Other authors use similar reasoning from other chondritic meteorite classes to suggest it may have happened even earlier at 11 Ma. But there are other views for a considerably later migration of the giant planets and the havoc that they wrought. The only widely agreed date, in what seems to be an outbreak of wrangling among astronomers, is for the Moon-forming collision: 110 Ma after formation of the Solar System. For me, at least, that’s good-enough evidence for when system-wide chaos prevailed. The Late Heavy Bombardment between 4.1 and 3.8 Ga seems to require a different mechanism as it affected large bodies that still exist. It may have resulted from whatever formed the asteroid belt, for it was bodies within the range of sizes of the asteroids that did the damage, in both the Inner and Outer Solar System.

See also: The instability at the beginning of the solar system. MSUToday, 27 April 2022: Voosen, P. 2024. Giant planets ran amok soon after the Solar System’s birth. Science, v. 384 news article eadp8889; DOI: 10.1126/science.adp8889

An astronomical background to flood basalt events and mass extinctions?

Michael Rampino and Ken Caldeira of New York University and the Carnegie Institute have for at least three decades been at the forefront of studies into mass extinctions and their possible causes, including flood-basalt volcanism, extraterrestrial impacts and climate change. As early as 1993 the duo reported an ubiquitous 26-million year cycle in plate tectonic and volcanic activity. In Rampino’s 2017 book Cataclysms: A New Geology for the Twenty-First Century the notion of a process similar to Milutin Milankovich’s prediction of Earth’s orbital characteristics underpinning climate cyclicity figured in his thinking (see Shock and Er … wait a minute, Earth-logs, October 2017). Rampino postulated then that this longer-term geological cyclicity could be linked to gravitational changes during the Solar System’s progress around the Milky Way galaxy. He was by no means the first to turn to galactic forces, Johann Steiner having made a similar suggestion in 1966. The notion stems from the Solar System’s wobbling path as it orbits the centre of the Milky Way galaxy about every 250 Ma, which may result in its passage through a vast layered variation in several physical properties aligned at right angles to galactic orbital motions. This grand astronomical theory is ‘a story that will run and run’; and it has. It is possible that the galaxy has corralled dark matter in a disc within the galactic plane, which Rampino and Caldeira latched onto that notion a year after it appeared in Physical Review Letters in 2014.

As I commented in my brief review of Rampino’s book: “As for Rampino’s galactic hypothesis, the statistics are decidedly dodgy, but chasing down more forensics is definitely on the cards.” Indeed they have been chased in a recent review by the pair and their colleague Sedelia Rodriguez (Rampino, M.R., Caldeira, K. & Rodriguez, S. 2023. Cycles of ∼32.5 My and ∼26.2 My in correlated episodes of continental flood basalts (CFBs), hyper-thermal climate pulses, anoxic oceans, and mass extinctions over the last 260 My: Connections between geological and astronomical cycles. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 246 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104548; reprint available on request from Rampino). They base their amplified case on much more than radiometric dates of continental flood basalt (CFB) events matched against the stratigraphic record of biotic diversity. Among the proxies are published measurements of mercury and osmium isotope anomalies in oceanic sediments that are best explained by sudden increases in basaltic magma eruption; signs of deep ocean anoxia; new dating of marine and non-marine extinctions in the fossil record, and episodes of sudden extreme climatic heating.

Statistical analysis of the ages of anoxic events and marine extinctions has yielded cycles of 32.5 and 26.2 Ma, those for CFBs having a 32.8 Ma periodicity. A note of caution, however: their data only cover the last 266 Ma – about one orbit of the solar system around the galactic centre. The authors attribute their interpretation of the cycles “to the Earth’s tectonic-volcanic rhythms, but the similarities with known Milankovitch Earth orbital periods and their amplitude modulations, and with known Galactic cycles, suggest that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the geological events and cycles may be paced by astronomical factors”.

Whether or not a detailed record of appropriate proxies can be extended back beyond the Late Permian, remains to be seen. The main fly-in-the-ointment is the tendency of CFB provinces to form high ground so that they are readily eroded away. Pre-Mesozoic signs of their former presence lie in basaltic dyke swarms that cut through older  crystalline continental crust. The marine sedimentary record is somewhat better preserved. A search for distinctive anomalies in osmium isotopes and mercury concentrations, which are useful proxies for global productivity of basaltic magmas, will be costly. Moreover, dating will depend to a large degree on the traditional palaeontology of strata, which in Palaeozoic rocks is more difficult to calibrate precisely by absolute radiometric dating.

Did Precambrian BIFs ‘fall’ into the mantle to trigger mantle plumes?

How the Earth has been shaped has depended to a large extent on a very simple variable among rocks: their density. Contrasts in density between vast rock masses are expressed when gravity attempts to maintain a balance of forces. The abrupt difference in elevation of the solid surface at the boundaries of oceans and continents – the Earth’s hypsometry – stems from the contrasted densities of continental and oceanic crust: the one dominated by granitic rocks (~2.8 t m-3) the other by those of basaltic composition (~ 3.0 t m-3). Astronomers have estimated that Earth’s overall density is about 5.5 t m-3 – it is the densest planet in the Solar System. The underlying mantle makes up 68% of Earth’s mass, with a density that increases with depth from 3.3 to 5.4 t m-3 in a stepwise fashion, at a number of discontinuities, because mantle minerals undergo changes induced by pressure. The remaining one third of Earth’s mass resides in the iron-nickel core at densities between 9.5 to 14.5 t m-3. Such density layering is by no means completely stable. Locally increased temperatures in mantle rocks reduce their density sufficiently for masses to rise convectively to be replaced by cooler ones, albeit slowly. By far the most important form of convection affecting the lithosphere involves the resorption of oceanic lithosphere plates at destructive margins, which results in subduction. This is thought to be due to old, cold oceanic basalts undergoing metamorphism as pressure increases during subduction. They are transformed at depth to a mineral assemblage (eclogite) that is denser (3.4 to 3.5 t m-3) than the enveloping upper mantle. That density contrast is sufficient for gravity to pull slabs of oceanic lithosphere downwards. This slab-pull force is transmitted through oceanic lithosphere that remains at the surface to become the dominant driver of modern plate tectonics. As a result, extension of the surface oceanic lithosphere at constructive margins draws mantle upwards to partially melt at reduced pressure, thus adding new basaltic crust at mid-ocean rift systems to maintain a form of mantle convection. Seismic tomography shows that active subducted slabs become ductile about 660 km beneath the surface and below that no earthquakes are detected. Quite possibly, the density of the reconstituted lithospheric slab becomes less than that of the mantle below the 660 km discontinuity. So the subducted slab continues by moving sideways and buckling in response to the ‘push’ from its rigid upper parts above. But it has been suggested that some subducted slabs do finally sink to the core-mantle boundary, but that is somewhat conjectural.

Typical banded iron formation

There are sedimentary rocks whose density at the surface exceeds that of the upper mantle: banded iron formations (BIFs) that contain up to 60% iron oxides (mainly Fe2O3) and have an average density at the surface of around 3.5 t m-3. BIFs formed mainly in the late Archaean and early Proterozoic Eons  (3.2 to 1.0 Ga) and none are known from the last 400 Ma. They formed when soluble iron-2 (Fe2+) – being added to ocean water by submarine hydrothermal activity –was precipitated as Fe3+ in the form of iron oxide (Fe2O3) where oxygen was present in ocean water. With little doubt this happened only in shallow marine basins where cyanobacteria that appeared about 3.5 Ga ago had sufficient sunlight to photosynthesise. Until about 2.4 Ga the atmosphere and thus the bulk of ocean water contained very little oxygen so the oceans were pervaded by soluble iron so that BIFs were able to form wherever such biological activity was going on. Conceivably (but not proven), that BIF-forming biochemical reaction may even have operated far from land in ocean surface water, slowly to deposit Fe2O3 on the deep ocean floor. After 2.4 Ga oxygen began to build in the atmosphere after the Great Oxidation Event had begon. That time was also when the greatest production of BIFs took place. Strangely, the amount of BIF in the geological record fell during the next 600 Ma to rise again to a very high peak at 1.8 Ga. Since there must have been sufficient soluble iron and an increasing amount of available oxygen for BIFs to form throughout that ‘lean’ period the drop in BIF formation is paradoxical. After 1.0 Ga BIFs more or less disappear. By then so much oxygen was present in the atmosphere and from top to bottom in ocean water that soluble iron was mostly precipitated at its hydrothermal source on the ocean floor. Incidentally, modern ocean surface water far from land contains so little dissolved iron that little microbiological activity goes on there: iron is an essential nutrient so the surface waters of remote oceans are effectively ‘wet deserts’.

Plots of probability of LIPs and BIFs forming at the Earth’s surface during Precambrian times, based on actual occurrences (Credit: Keller, et al., modified Fig 1A)

Spurred by the fact that if a sea-floor slab dominated by BIFs was subducted it wouldn’t need eclogite formation to sink into the mantle, Duncan Keller of Rice University in Texas and other US and Canadian colleagues have published a ‘thought experiment’ using time-series data on LIPs and BIFs compiled by other geoscientists (Keller, D.S. et al. 2023. Links between large igneous province volcanism and subducted iron formations. Nature Geoscience, v. 16, article; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-023-01188-1.). Their approach involves comparing the occurrences of 54 BIFs through time with signs of activity in the mantle during the Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoic Eras, as marked by large igneous provinces (LIPs) during that time span. To do this they calculated the degree of correlation in time between BIFs and LIPs. The authors chose a minimum area for LIPs of 400 thousand km2 – giving a total of 66 well-dated examples. Because the bulk of Precambrian flood-basalt provinces, such as occurred during the Phanerozoic, have been eroded away, most of their examples are huge, well-dated dyke swarms that almost certainly fed such plateau basalts. Rather than a direct time-correlation, what emerged was a match-up that covered 74% of the LIPs with BIFs that had formed about 241 Ma earlier. They also found a less precise correlation between LIPs associated with 241 Ma older BIFs and protracted periods of stable geomagnetic field, known as ‘superchrons’. These are thought by geophysicists to be influenced by heat flow through the core-mantle boundary (CMB).

The high bulk density of BIFs at the surface would be likely to remain about 15 % greater than that of peridotite as pressure increased with depth in the mantle. Such slabs could therefore penetrate the 660 mantle discontinuity. Their subduction would probably result in their eventually ‘piling up’ in the vicinity of the CMB. The high iron content of BIFs may also have changed the way that the core loses heat, thereby triggering mantle plumes. Certainly, there is a complex zone of ultra-low seismic velocities (ULVZ) that signifies hot, ductile material extending above the CMB. Because BIFs’ high iron-content makes them thermally highly conductive compared with basalts and other sediments, they may be responsible. Clearly, Keller et al’s hypothesis is likely to be controversial and they hope that other geoscientists will test it with new or re-analysed geophysical data. But the possibility of BIFs falling to the base of the mantle spectacularly extends the influence of surface biological processes to the entire planet. And, indeed, it may have shaped the later part of its tectonic history having changed the composition of the deep mantle. The interconnectedness of the Earth system also demands that the consequences – plumes and large igneous provinces – would have fed back to the Precambrian biosphere. See also: Iron-rich rocks unlock new insights into Earth’s planetary history, Science Daily, 2 June 2023